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Frequently Asked Questions

Refer FERPA questions to or call (404) 471-6289.
FERPA是家庭教育权利和隐私法案,是1974年颁布的联邦法律. FERPA protects the privacy of student education records. All educational institutions that receive federal funding must comply with FERPA.
If you're a student, it's important for you to understand your rights under FERPA. 如果你是家长,你需要了解一旦你的学生进入大学,法律是如何变化的. If you're an employee of Agnes Scott with access to student education records, 你有义务遵守FERPA并依法保护这些记录.

FERPA gives students four basic rights with respect to their education record:

  • The right to control disclosure of their education record
  • The right to review their education record
  • 有权要求修改其教育记录中不准确或误导的部分
  • 向美国家庭政策合规办公室投诉《博彩网址大全》违规行为的权利.S. Department of Education

Education records are defined as records, files, documents, 以及其他包含与学生直接相关的信息,并由艾格尼丝·斯科特或代表学院的人维护的材料. Education records take many forms, including paper and electronic. Education records include:

  • Grades
  • Class lists/rosters
  • Student course schedules
  • Disciplinary records
  • Student financial records
  • 因学生身份而直接受雇的雇员的工资记录(e).g. work study, resident assistants, fellows)

The following records are excluded from the definition of education records:

  • “独家拥有”的记录和笔记的教职员工为自己使用作为参考或记忆辅助,不与他人共享
  • Personal observations
  • College law enforcement records
  • Medical and mental health records used only for the treatment of the student
  • Alumnae records
  • Peer graded papers and exams prior to the grade being recorded by the instructor
艾格尼丝·斯科特有许多办公室记录有关学生的评论和笔记. These may be kept in the student file in a department. 对于任何记录与学生互动的笔记的人来说,重要的是要明白,除非这些笔记属于“个人拥有”记录的类别(见上面问题5中的定义)。, then they are part of the student's education record and subject to FERPA. 因为FERPA赋予学生审查他/她的教育记录的权利, these notes could be included in that review. Therefore, it is important that notes or comments be factual and objective.

这意味着只有在学生事先书面同意的情况下,才能披露学生的教育记录. The prior written consent must:

  • Specify the records to be released and state the purpose of the disclosure
  • 确定可以向其披露信息的一方,并由学生签名和注明日期

Yes, FERPA does contain some exceptions to the written consent rule. Those exceptions allow disclosure without consent:

  • 向“学校官员”(包括合同下的第三方)提供合法的教育利益
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
  • 在健康或安全紧急情况下,为保护学生或其他人,向适当的各方提供帮助
  • 如果学生在21岁以下吸毒或酗酒,给家长
  • To the provider/creator of a record to verify the validity of that record (e.g. in cases of suspected fraud)
  • To organizations conducting research studies on behalf of the College, 前提是学院和研究机构之间有书面协议
  • 致学生寻求或打算入学或目前入学的机构的官员
“学校官员”或“学院官员”是负责促进学院教育目标的一般或特定责任的学院员工,或与学院签订合同提供专业服务的第三方, 与学院的教育使命有关的业务和类似的行政服务. Individuals whose responsibilities place them within this category include instructors; faculty and academic advisers; admission counselors; employment placement personnel; deans, department chairpersons, directors, and other administrative officials responsible for some part of the academic enterprise or one of the supporting activities; College Police personnel; health staff; development officers; staff in Alumnae Relations; administrative and faculty sponsors of officially recognized clubs, organizations, etc.; members, including students and alumnae, of official College committees; staff personnel employed to assist College officials in discharging professional responsibilities; and persons or entities under contract to the College to provide a specific task or service related to the College's educational mission.
FERPA允许大学员工在拥有“合法教育利益”的情况下查阅学生的教育记录." Such access does not require prior written consent of the student. Essentially, 合法的教育利益是员工履行其职责以支持学院教育使命所必需的. 你也可以把合法的教育兴趣看作是一种“需要知道的”,这对你履行与教育相关的工作职责至关重要. 学生档案只应在与学生学业成就相关的公务中使用.

FERPA允许每个机构将一类信息定义为“目录信息”." FERPA permits public disclosure of those items without the student's consent. 目录信息是包含在学生的教育记录中,通常不会被认为是有害的或侵犯隐私,如果披露.

View the list of directory information

No. The only required disclosure of education records is to the student. All other disclosures, including those with student consent and disclosures of directory information, are at the discretion of the institution.
FERPA要求每个机构允许学生阻止他们的目录信息的披露. 学生可以向注册办公室提出书面请求,要求屏蔽全部或部分目录项目, including photograph, and those items are then suppressed from OPD and protected from directory release. 然而,一个学生可能不会是“匿名”的其他班级成员登记在同一类.
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